31 December 2014

Live on purpose

Favorite moment of the day (2009):  finally getting all my Christmas stuff put away! Bring on the New Year!

Why do we wish time away?  As the end of another year ticks away, we are all ready for the new year - a new beginning, a new set of goals, a new start.  But why wish the time away?  I'm guilty of this.  "I can't wait until..."  So, as the calendar changes, along with my other goals and resolutions, I want to cherish the time I am given and not wish it away so quickly.  I want enjoy every moment instead of counting down the days to the next holiday or school break.  Did Jesus count down his days?  Did he wish his time away?  I think he used every minute of his time to the fullest.  He made sure his disciples knew how to follow in his footsteps by living the way he was teaching.  Jesus didn't have to make New Year Resolutions because he lived the same way with the same purpose each day.  That's how I want to live in the new year and for the rest of my days on Earth - living for the Lord with purpose each day.

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