07 December 2014

Thank God for blessings, big and small

Interestingly, I have left comments in today's post that were originally posted to social media.  I did not edit any spelling and left all comments original, although I did only include first names and last initials and any children's names, other than my own, are just written as an initial.  I absolutely love this virtual diary that I have kept and it makes my heart smile to be reading it again each day as I post them for you.  I'm also really enjoying my own devotionals that I've added.  I hope you all are enjoying them or getting something out of it, too, but these posts are definitely helping me so I'm doing this for myself and to glorify the One who gives me the words.

December 7
Favorite moment of the day:  All my kids telling me how wonderful dinner was tonight and thanking me for cooking it!
Jennifer Charles:  Oh, and Triston cleaned up without being asked!
Kim M.: What did you make?
Jackie G.:  I was wondering about that too…
Paula S.:  Funny! I was going to ask the same thing! I cook a lot of things that my kids love but last night was beef stew (cuz that is all we had after coming home from Atlanta!) J ended up fixing himself some Ramen noodles! His favorites--meatloaf and believe this OR not--salmon patties. He will eat salmon patties but not beef stew? Plleeeaazze!
Jackie G.:  my 3 year old niece calls salmon patties “crabbie patties” (from Spongebob!)
Paula S.:  J has always called them “slammin patties” Jackie! Lol
Jennifer Charles: Spaghetti
               It feels so good to be loved and thanked for every day actions.  I thank God everyday for allowing me one more day with my family and friends.  I thank God for the ability to cook meals for my family and the financial resources to get the food and necessities.  We like to be thanked, not just when we do something great or special, but for the things we do each day that make life a little easier and more convenient, and our Heavenly Father likes to be thanked too.  We should thank him for the little things, in addition to the big blessings, He sends our way.

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