31 December 2014

Live on purpose

Favorite moment of the day (2009):  finally getting all my Christmas stuff put away! Bring on the New Year!

Why do we wish time away?  As the end of another year ticks away, we are all ready for the new year - a new beginning, a new set of goals, a new start.  But why wish the time away?  I'm guilty of this.  "I can't wait until..."  So, as the calendar changes, along with my other goals and resolutions, I want to cherish the time I am given and not wish it away so quickly.  I want enjoy every moment instead of counting down the days to the next holiday or school break.  Did Jesus count down his days?  Did he wish his time away?  I think he used every minute of his time to the fullest.  He made sure his disciples knew how to follow in his footsteps by living the way he was teaching.  Jesus didn't have to make New Year Resolutions because he lived the same way with the same purpose each day.  That's how I want to live in the new year and for the rest of my days on Earth - living for the Lord with purpose each day.

30 December 2014

Beauty of Heaven and Earth

Painting inspired by the spontaneous trip we took in 2009.

Favorite moment of the day (2009):  Walking in Memphis…with my family.

I love spending time with my family and I love to travel and see the beautiful places that God has put on this Earth.  Genesis 1:1 states that "God created the Heavens and the Earth."  I have been blessed with some amazing travel opportunities and have seen some of the neatest things, created by God and man.  But none of that compares to the beauty of Heaven, which I hope to see one day.  I live my life in such a way that I will be in Heaven, and not the alternative.  I do my best to tell others about Jesus and the Bible so that my loved ones will also be in Heaven and we will spend eternity surrounded by each other, with Jesus, and no sorrow shall ever come.  We know not the day He will come again, nor can we predict when He will take us home, but until then, I will live for the Lord, believing in His word, sharing His story with others through the words He gives me, and giving myself to His service.  Maybe I can see more of His creation along the way.

29 December 2014


favorite moment (2009): being internet and Facebook free for a whole day!
 I talked about it a little yesterday, but how wonderful it is to unplug from all the "stuff" and just tune in to yourself, your family, or God.  I hope to spend more time unplugging in the coming year so that I can plug back in to God and grow my faith and spirituality.  I've lost a little of it lately and I'm ready to get it back.  Sometimes I think all this technology gets in the way of basic human communication and interaction.  There's something about a nice, handwritten letter or the sound of your best friend's voice that you don't get from a text message or a comment on social media.   There's something wonderful about talking to God with no media distractions and just listening to the silence of His response.  Waiting.  Understanding what He wants from us and what He is directing us to do.  Unplugging from our technological advancements and plugging in to Him.

28 December 2014

Too much stuff


 Art is something I have too much of around my house.

Favorite moment of the day (2009): getting the closet in the mud room cleaned out and organized so I can store my Christmas stuff in there - I accomplished a lot today.

I love the holidays - the gathering together, the lights, the food.  I love the meaning of the holidays - the church services, the Bible stories, the serving of others.  I hate the cleanup - putting away the ornaments, finding new homes for newly acquired stuff, getting back to "normal".  This time of year always makes me want to purge and get rid of all the excess and get back to just the basics.  In this materialistic world we live in, I get so overwhelmed at how easily we accumulate so much.  God provides what we need if we just listen and follow him.  So why do we need all these other things.  I think I would be so much more at peace if I could just unplug from the world and "plug" into Him more.  As I write this, I think that will be my goal in the new year.  Maybe I will start now by cleaning out another closet so I can hide and spend time reading His word. 

27 December 2014

Take care of others

December 27 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day:  watching “The Blindside” – wow, what an awesome movie.
                  This movie is such a good example of taking care of the “least of these”.  Based on the true story of a Memphis, TN, family who took in a homeless boy, this story is an inspiration to me.  We are told to take care of those who have little.  In Matthew 25:35-40 the Bible says, “for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me…And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” 
                  I want my children to understand that we should help our neighbors and give to others in need.  We donate items to thrift stores, we give things to people who have hard times, we participate in food drives, but is that enough?  I want to be a servant for the Lord and I want my children to serve as well.  We look for opportunities to help others, just like the Bible tells us to do.  After all, if we do these things for others, we are doing these things for Christ.

26 December 2014

Spending time with elderly

December 26 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day:  Spending time with my sweet grandparents.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen them.
                  We can learn a lot by spending time with the elderly.  We learn personal history and family stories.  We learn how to do things that are quickly fading in today’s society – quilting, gardening, canning fruits and vegetables.  There’s so much to gain by spending time with people from older generations.  The same is true about reading the Bible.  When we read the Bible, it’s like having a conversation with others from long ago.  We learn things that we can still apply to our daily lives.  We grow closer to Jesus when we read the stories of his life.  When I read the parables he told, it feels like I am there, listening to him tell it for the first time.  We should all spend more time with our elder loved ones and also reading the word of God.

25 December 2014

Wonderfully Blessed

December 25 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day: All of it...we had a wonderfully, blessed day full of family fun, great food, and good memories.
 “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.  Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”  Psalm 100:4
I am undeserving of the blessings I receive.  To be loved so much by Jesus that He sacrificed His life for us is an amazing gift.  Not only on Christmas, but I thank the Lord every day for my blessings because I fail every day.  But He forgives me and He forgives you too.  We should always be thankful and bless His holy name.  When others see our thankfulness, they will want to know Him too.  Ultimately, we can spread the word of Jesus simply by our actions and our praises and our blessings.  It’s like reading self-help books written by successful people.  When people are successful in business, everyone wants to know the secret - how they did it.  When we are thankful to God, he will continue to bless us and others will want to know the secret.  The wonderful part is it’s not a secret.  It is available for everyone through the Bible and through each other.  I may fall sometimes, but I am forgiven, and I am so grateful for the love of our Savior who has given me so much.  I will bless His name and forever give thanks and praise to the Son of God.

24 December 2014

Serving others

So it's not a picture of me being Martha but my daughter helping make cornbread dressing for our church's annual, free community Christmas Eve luncheon.

December 24 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day (I know it's early on Christmas Eve): pretending to be Martha Stewart in my kitchen making apple butter and apple fritters...but not having enough apples so substituting applesauce! Archer still loved them and Jessalyn wanted some of those "apple critters"!  Merry Christmas everyone.

                  I am not a great cook.  Actually, everyone in my family makes fun of me because I usually burn something or set off the smoke alarms!  I don’t even really like to cook but I do it because my family would otherwise starve.  God equipped me with knowledge to read recipes and throw ingredients together to make meals that are nourishing to our bodies.  When we have proper nourishment, we then have the energy to go out and do the work of the Lord.  Our mealtime prayers always contain the phrase, “Bless the hands that have prepared this food, and bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies, and our bodies to Your service.”  Ultimately, our job is to serve others and, with good foods and great blessings, we can do what we are called to do.

23 December 2014

More blessed to give than to receive

 Tree from Universal Studios Orlando
December 23, 2009 – not a favorite moment but an interesting post
My goal, just in case you're wondering, is to post a favorite moment for every day for one complete year. It's just a little project I'm working on to see how many of the moments required money, family, friends, etc. You get the idea.
Just some of the quotes that people left on my wall after that little status update:  
"I've been reading your favorite moments daily and they have made me smile...... :)"
"What a good way to count your blessings!"
"I love your favorite moments of the day. Reminds us of what is REALLY important. Good idea for all of us. Thanks for sharing."
My response to all that:  Wow, interesting to see how it's affecting other people too. Thanks for being a part of my life! Merry Christmas to all!
And now for the Favorite moment of the day: Christmas shopping for 2 children I don't even know. I hope they like their gifts.
                   “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Acts 20:35
                  I love giving things to others, especially when they don’t expect it.  It doesn’t have to be extravagant gifts, either.  Sometimes a smile, a hug, a listening ear is all someone needs to turn his/her life around.  I can remember when we were poor, just married college students who suddenly found out our family was growing to three.  I was scared, nervous and embarrassed.  It was not my plan.  I had always wanted to finish college before we started a family.  Needless to say, we had some hard times ahead.  We moved back home to live with my mom for a short while.  After Triston was born, I went back to school to finish my degree.  We found our own place but not without struggles.  We’ve had cars repossessed, power turned off because we couldn’t pay the bill, and lived off of popcorn and Ramen noodles.  We were blessed a few times with boxes of food from friends and family at times when I didn’t know what we were going to do.  We have survived all those hard times and are now in a position to bless others.  It is definitely much better to be on the giving end of that situation.  Having been in both positions as giver and receiver, I do get a bigger blessing out of giving than I did receiving.  Sometimes our pride gets in the way of receiving a blessing.  I know it did for me.  But to give to others, when they need it or when they don’t, gives me a feeling I can’t express.  I wish I could help more but I know that day will come.  Right now, I just do what I can, with what the Lord blesses me, and I use it to bless others.

22 December 2014

Gift giving

Favorite moment of the day (2009):  making handpainted Christmas presents.
       I love making Christmas gifts and ornaments.  I love crafting and creating something with my hands and using my imagination to envision something that is personal and special for someone.  I don't know if the recipient appreciates my handmade gifts but I truly enjoy making them.  I take the time to really think about what someone likes and I put my best painting and crafting skills to work.  As I stress and worry this holiday season, I try to sit back and reflect on the true gift of Christmas - Jesus.  Sure,  he got a few fancy gifts from the wise men, but He gave us so much more.  I worry that my children will be disappointed on Christmas morning because we weren't able to get them exactly what they wanted, but then I remember that I have taught them about the birth of our Savior and what He did for us and that is really enough.

21 December 2014

Sometime Christians

Image of handmade valentine cards 2014 jencdesigns
Favorite moment of the day(2009):  Seeing old friends at the post office.
                  God places each person in our lives for a reason.   Maybe he/she crossed our path to teach us a lesson.  Maybe we are still connected to that person every day.  What is most important is that each person we encounter should be able to see how full of the spirit we are on a daily basis.  We can’t be “sometime Christians”.  We are called to be Christians every day, with every move we make and every word we say.  Sometimes, you are the only Bible someone will read.  If you are having a bad day and act less than Christian, you may have just tripped someone who might have been searching for the Way, the Truth, and the Light.  Friends, acquaintances, co-workers, strangers, even enemies – we are called to love each and every one like our neighbor and brother.  We can't just pick and choose when to be a Christian.  We never know who God will place in our path each day - an old acquaintance, a treasured friend, or someone looking for answers.

20 December 2014

Preventing spiritual illness

Favorite moment of the day(2009):  my Archer taking care of me this morning at church when I was running a fever and giving me a back massage this evening.
                  Just as we take care of our children when they are sick, our Heavenly Father takes care of us when we are spiritually sick.  If we take the time to read what his word says about the problems we face, He will guide us on our path of recovery.  The prescription is in the Bible.  All we have to do is read it and follow the instructions.  He gives clear answers to problems with money, marriage, children, and society.  The Bible is our instruction manual for living a Christian life.  A daily dose of reading will do wonders for the spirit and will most likely prevent spiritual illness from occurring.

19 December 2014

Letting you go

 Favorite moment of the day(2009):  enjoying time with my kids.

I've said it before but this life is only temporary.  I enjoy spending time with my kids while we are all together, here on this earth.  I have enjoyed watching them grow up.  A painting I created recently has a personal quote that I told my students one time in class.  "I'm letting you go so you can grow."  As we spend time with my children, it's hard to let go.  It's hard to let them fall when they are learning to walk, but that's how they learn to get back up and keep trying.  Letting go of that bicycle seat so they can ride down the street all on their own, without training wheels, is scary but the reward is a big smile of accomplishment.  I don't like making lists of friends and family to send graduation invitations in a few months but I am confident that I have done the best I could and that he has grown because I have let him go.   God let His only son go to live an earthly life, growing along the way into a man who showed love and compassion to the least likely.  God let His only son go to die on a cross so that an entire world could grow from His teachings, His passion, and His truth.  Even as an adult, I still find myself letting things go - worry, doubt, fear - which results in spiritual growth.

18 December 2014

This world is not my home

Favorite moment of the day(2009): This is tough considering what happened this afternoon with the puppy but I'm gonna have to say...being off until January and having lots of time to spend with my wonderful kids and hubby...and family and friends.
*Note:  The incident with the puppy was devastating for everyone.  While in a hurry to get somewhere, the puppy got under the tire of the truck as Jamison was backing out of the driveway.  Triston was in the truck with him and it was his puppy, one of Belle’s pups that we decided to keep.  We buried it in the backyard and had a short funeral.

Loss is hard.  Especially around holidays.  Even though this was the loss of a furry family member, it still hurt.  Jesus heals and covers our grieving hearts over time, knowing that we won't ever forget our loved ones, but comforting us and giving us peace with each passing day.  Sometimes I hear a song or see something that reminds me of a deceased friend or family member and it is in those moments that I smile and feel God warming my heart and soul and giving me hope that we will be reunited in Heaven one day.  We are all on this Earth temporarily. Tomorrow is not promised; it is a privilege.

"This world is not my home.  I'm just a-passing through." Albert E. Brumley 1937

17 December 2014

Building a house upon the rock

 December 17
Favorite moment of the day (2009):  decorating graham cracker houses at Archer’s Christmas party today!
                  “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”  Matthew 7:24-25
            I hope I am doing a good job of building my house upon the rock.  I take my children to church, we participate in all the events, serve on committees, fellowship with other Christians.  We give back to the community, serve others, and spread the word.  In the small act of building a gingerbread house, or in this case a graham cracker house, we can use this time to talk about building our lives on the rock, Jesus Christ.  These small acts can multiply when my children are grown and build their own lives, their own houses, on the rock and be good examples to others.  Building our house on the rock, like the wise man, will protect our spiritual being from falling when the floods and winds of life beat on our house. 

16 December 2014

Getting excited about reading the Bible

Okay, so I misread my own document file and apparently I did have a favorite moment for the 15th but I posted it on social media a day late.  Oh, well.  I needed an excuse to throw in my Christmas song anyway!

December 16 (2009)
Yesterday’s favorite moment:  having lunch with my hubby and finished up the kids’ shopping!
Favorite moment of the day:  actually getting on the home computer tonight!

I wish I was as excited about reading my Bible as I was about getting on the computer.  In this busy life we live, I don't take the time I should to read His word and grow closer to Him.  Yet, I will find time to sit on the computer and waste hours watching silly videos, catching up on social media, creating virtual bulletin boards, or reading blogs.  I need to do a better job of spending that time reading my Bible and studying what it says.  After all, that is what He wants us to do.  Not only would my relationship with Him grow stronger, but my faith would move mountains.  I know I'm probably not alone.  I am going to take small steps to read my Bible more so I can do better at practicing its principles and living the type of life God wants me to live.

15 December 2014

My Alabama Christmas Won't Be White

I don't have a favorite moment from 2009 so tonight I am posting a song I wrote back in 2007.  I was driving around doing some last minute shopping and just came up with it.  It's got a country music feel, even though I don't normally listen to country music.  Funny thing is, when I got home and was getting ready to tell Archer that I had written a song, he surprised me with a song he had written while I was gone.  That post will be for another day. 

For the record, I have no idea if we have a chance at having snow on Christmas this year. 
 My Olaf snowman built in the Snowpocalypse of February 2014.

My Alabama Christmas Won't Be White
Copyright 2007 Jennifer Charles

My tree is decorated with lights.
I've gone around and seen all of the sights.
But there's one thing that's very clear
That I won't be getting this year.
My Alabama Christmas won't be white.

I love to see a snowfall clean and bright.
When it sparkles on the ground it's such a sight.
But there's one thing that's very clear
That I won't be getting this year.
My Alabama Christmas won't be white.

The weatherman says there's no chance of snow.
But oh how I would love to see it glow
on Christmas morning bright and clear.
But there's no chance of that this year.
My Alabama Christmas won't be white.

I'm gonna wish and pray with all my might
That Santa brings some snow with him that night.
With sleigh and reindeer all in tow,
I hope that he will bring me snow
and make my Alabama Christmas white.
Santa please make my Alabama Christmas white.

14 December 2014

He created all things

I vividly remember this event!  It was quite comical.

I know my post isn't about a camel but it is one of God's creatures!

December 14 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day:  screaming this morning when I went into the laundry room and walked in on a mouse trying to get into the dog food.  Archer and I were both a little freaked out but it was hilarious!  I’m gonna get that little critter tonight, though.
I did get that mouse.  To me, they are nasty little critters that eat my dog food and carry diseases, but God created them all, just like He created each one of us.  The difference is, He made each of us in His image.  He created each of us with special talents, skills, and spiritual gifts to use for building a life and building His kingdom.  The mouse has its specific place in the food chain and the circle of life for other animals, but God created us with the ability to think, learn, and grow spiritually in His word.  What an amazing Creator we have - he created the heavens, the Earth, the animals, the plants, and mankind!  Such an awesome God.

13 December 2014

Children in church

December 13 (2009)
Favorite moment of the day:  The Children’s Christmas program “Signs of Christmas”.  Enough said.

                  “…the time of singing has come…” Song of Solomon 2:12
                  I had the privilege of working with our children’s choir at church for a little over a year and this was my first, and only, Christmas production that I directed.  It was such a blessing, from start to finish.  To hear little children sing every Wednesday night for 3 months can sometimes be stressful, especially when they’ve had a bad day at school, don’t feel like singing, or are just hyper from all the cupcakes or brownies that were served during dinner.  But the end result, the Sunday morning Christmas program performed by the children, makes it all worth it.  Knowing that they are telling the story of Christmas and baby Jesus to the congregation and visitors through song is great but even better is knowing that they learned it for themselves and will remember it for the rest of their lives.  They will spread this story to their friends, to people they meet, and to their community.  Because these children have grown up in the church and learned the good word of Jesus, they will forever be blessed and will build the Kingdom of God by spreading His love and mercy for years to come.

12 December 2014

God is proud of us

This one is especially sweet since my oldest son, the subject of this post, is now a Senior in high school and was just awarded a big scholarship to the school of his choice.  He continues to amaze me with his generosity, his politeness, and with his relationship with God.

December 12
Favorite moment of the day (2009):  Being so proud of Triston for getting up early on a Saturday and taking the ACT.
              “Then a voice came from heaven, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Mark 1:11
                  I am so proud of each of my children every day.  They amaze me with their talents and gifts.  I am proud of how kind and polite they are to others (if only they were more so to each other).  I am proud that they enjoy going to church and learning about the Lord.  I try to tell my children how proud I am to be their mother and that it gives me such joy to watch them grow physically and spiritually.  I hope my children continue to live for the Lord so that they will spend eternity in Heaven.  I pray that God will look at us all and tell us how proud He is of us and our work that we did on earth. 

11 December 2014

Spend time together

 Sorry for the back to back posts but I've got to post them while I have the internet to do so!  I am hoping our issues are resolved but it's been sporadic. 

December 11

Favorite moment of the day (2009):  going Christmas shopping with my hubby tonight!

                 My husband and I don’t often get time to spend together without our children.  Maybe that’s just part of being married and having a family.  However, we do try to spend time with each other without anyone else around to stay connected and keep our relationship strong.  We have to work at it because it’s not always easy.  But shopping dates, lunches, or just having conversations about what we are thinking and feeling can strengthen our bond and make our marriage better each day.   We also pray for each other and worship together.  He makes me want to be a better wife and mother.   Even though our date nights may only come once a month, we cherish our time alone and as a family, knowing that God brought us together as part of His plan.

Exercise the body, mind and spirit

We have been having crazy internet issues at home.  Sorry for the delay.  Remember that these "moments" are from 2009!

December 10

Favorite moment of the day:  dancing for 2 hours learning a new danceline routine…just for the fun of it.  It was great but I’ll pay for it tomorrow.

“For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things…”  1 Timothy 4:8                 

I’m not as young as I used to be so when I exercise or dance, I usually end with sore muscles and the urge to never do it again.  But I have to take care of my mind, soul and body in order to continue my walk with Jesus.  It’s not enough to just read and study the word of God.  We are called to take care of our bodies while we are on this earth. That means we must eat right, exercise and avoid harmful toxins that can poison our bodies, which in turn can poison our minds.  We need to fight the temptations that are all around and take care of the bodies we are given.   When we exercise, it can make us feel better and have more energy, less likely to be depressed, and, therefore, can have a positive effect on our relationship with God.

09 December 2014

Away in a Manger

December 9
Favorite moment of the day:  all my kids singing “Away in a Manger” and “Silent Night” at practice tonight.  I can’t wait until the program Sunday morning!
                  “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed.”  Those of us with children spend months getting ready for that new little bundle of joy to arrive.  The nursery has to be perfect, the bedding has to be soft, the color scheme has to be soothing and the art must be nurturing and educational yet cute and sweet for the newborn.  But Mary and Joseph had none of that.  We decorate with cute giraffes, elephants, and ladybugs.  He was born amongst live goats, sheep, and donkeys.  We make the nursery smell nice with air fresheners, carpet cleaning, and scented candles.  He was surrounded with the odors of a barn and stinky animals. 
It sure puts things into perspective.  When I get angry or jealous because I can’t give the best to my children, I think of Jesus.  He didn’t have a perfect nursery, the best electronic toys, or go to the best preschool.  He didn’t have the name brand clothes, a car at sixteen, or even an Ivy-league education.  He walked among the least of society, hung out with people we wouldn’t dare let our children hang out with today, and visited places we would not go ourselves.  And He did it all for us. 
When things get hard and I ask myself “How can I live this way?” or “What am I going to do?” I think about Jesus and his humble beginning.  I think about his life and the things he didn’t have yet all he was able to do for others.


Internet issues made it impossible for me to post the devotional yesterday.  So, here it is.

December 8, 2009
favorite moment:  seeing my baby nephew at preschool yesterday and he jumped out of his seat to give me a hug.
                  Family is so important, even if it is an adopted family or friends who are so close that they become family.  Those are very special and cherished relationships.  Our Heavenly Father desires and deserves that relationship, too.  Since he isn’t physically here, we must take the time to read His word and spend time with Him.  When we do, He will jump out of his seat in Heaven and hug our hearts, excited that we came to see Him.  Everyone should make Him part of the family and embrace the changes and happiness He will bring to life.

07 December 2014

Thank God for blessings, big and small

Interestingly, I have left comments in today's post that were originally posted to social media.  I did not edit any spelling and left all comments original, although I did only include first names and last initials and any children's names, other than my own, are just written as an initial.  I absolutely love this virtual diary that I have kept and it makes my heart smile to be reading it again each day as I post them for you.  I'm also really enjoying my own devotionals that I've added.  I hope you all are enjoying them or getting something out of it, too, but these posts are definitely helping me so I'm doing this for myself and to glorify the One who gives me the words.

December 7
Favorite moment of the day:  All my kids telling me how wonderful dinner was tonight and thanking me for cooking it!
Jennifer Charles:  Oh, and Triston cleaned up without being asked!
Kim M.: What did you make?
Jackie G.:  I was wondering about that too…
Paula S.:  Funny! I was going to ask the same thing! I cook a lot of things that my kids love but last night was beef stew (cuz that is all we had after coming home from Atlanta!) J ended up fixing himself some Ramen noodles! His favorites--meatloaf and believe this OR not--salmon patties. He will eat salmon patties but not beef stew? Plleeeaazze!
Jackie G.:  my 3 year old niece calls salmon patties “crabbie patties” (from Spongebob!)
Paula S.:  J has always called them “slammin patties” Jackie! Lol
Jennifer Charles: Spaghetti
               It feels so good to be loved and thanked for every day actions.  I thank God everyday for allowing me one more day with my family and friends.  I thank God for the ability to cook meals for my family and the financial resources to get the food and necessities.  We like to be thanked, not just when we do something great or special, but for the things we do each day that make life a little easier and more convenient, and our Heavenly Father likes to be thanked too.  We should thank him for the little things, in addition to the big blessings, He sends our way.