Let's Rock!
Favorite moment of the day (2010): so many but I'm going to
pick...the great day I had at school today! My Spanish students RoCk!!!!
As a teacher, I have good days and bad days. Days when the students don't seem interested, won't participate, or just fall asleep in class. But then there are awesome days. Days when my hard work to prepare an engaging lesson really pays off. The same is true when I taught children at church. The days they really grasped the lesson and took ownership of the Word of God were really great. I imagine Jesus had this same feeling when He was teaching others. It's all in the Bible. Some days he had to work harder than others to get his followers to believe and understand the lesson. But some days were much easier and his students rocked. We are all God's students here on this Earth. Some days we struggle and just don't get it. Then, some days we rock! The goal is to have more rockin' days than not and to spread that enthusiasm to others.
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