21 January 2015

Changing direction

You aren't going to find a favorite moment devotional here today, folks.  And I realize I didn't post yesterday.  I was in another one of "those" moods.  Today, I'm reflecting.  You see, it's my birthday today, and I've been flooded with messages and hugs and smiles.  It all started with the sweetest message from my middle child just after midnight.  He wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday.  Well, my sister actually told me yesterday but we won't tell him that!

Anyway, I've been reflecting, meditating, thinking and praying about what I want my life to be like.  I'm still debating on whether to continue this blog in the direction it was going.  I just have some things I need to sort out and I feel like my posts are not truly conveying what I feel or want to say because my head is so clouded with distractions.

Don't worry.  I still plan to write and post every few days.  It's in my blood to jot down my thoughts, and the idea that there might be someone who has the same emotions or concerns and needs to know she's not alone motivates me to share.  So that will still happen.  I'll probably throw in a poem or short story every once in a while just to shake things up a bit.  God's working on me right now so I'm just going to let Him direct what I do. (That's some of my birthday reflections going on.)  My fortune cookie tonight even said "Your luck has been completely changed today."  I don't really believe in fortune cookies but the message is nice.  And I do believe in the power of prayer and I know that God changes things by changing me.  And that's what I'm reflecting on for a few days.

I hope you loyal, or first time, readers continue to check in and see what's being written.  Just don't get lost "on the line" if I happen to skip a day or two.  Come back and read a while!

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